Friday, March 27, 2009

I Knew It !

This just in:

“Did Twin's 'Sixth Sense' Save Sister's Life?

(March 26) -- Do twins share a psychic bond? There's no scientific proof, but Gemma Houghton, 15, said such a tie enabled her to save her sister's life.

In an interview with London's Daily Mirror Gemma said she prevented her twin, Leanne, from drowning in a bathtub after getting a "feeling" something was wrong with her sister….”

First I ask, why, right away, in the second sentence, do they disclaim, “There’s no scientific proof…”? Never mind, that’s a rhetorical question. (To fill you in, the rest of the story describes how connected the sisters are, and at the end there is a doctor quoted saying that probably they just know each other extremely well and can anticipate each other’s actions. WhatEV, as my daughter used to say, until I started saying it.)

The headline popped onto AOL and it caught my attention, because it seemed like positive, inspiring news. For a change. So I followed the link. For a change. They are not usually enticing enough.

Of course the twins are psychically connected, and why would we need scientific proof to document that? Why are we as a culture putting science over our intuitions? And has that brought us to a better place, as a planet? Might this not be a good time to wonder this?

I have psychic moments all day and night. The challenge is in heeding them. The big headline above should be that HEEDING her intuition saved her sister’s life. For as many psychic flashes as I get…there’s still a percentage that get reasoned away. Even though I know better.

“Statistically, she can’t possibly have shingles,” said my daughter’s father, when I told him she had shingles. “But I know she has shingles,” I said. “Hear me out,” he said, and told me the statistics, which to him proved she couldn’t possibly have shingles. Which I knew she had. Because I just "knew." He and I often personify the classic chasm between reason and intuition, which needn’t be so chasm-ic. But it is.

Anyway…I have psychic moments all the time. So do all my friends. Don't we all? Isn’t that normal? Heeding them is the challenge. And why is science prized above intuition? Science changes its mind all the time, as new information is revealed. Plenty of us on this planet have evolved enough to help turn it into a place in which inner Knowing is valued, even prized. How? Maybe just supporting each other’s intuitions and encouraging each other to follow our inner Voice. Maybe by going within before asking the "experts."

How much do we really need the external authorities we were taught to heed? The RULES from on high. But the Universal rules...we already embody them, don’t we? The institutions are not changing as fast as we are, so they insist that our evolution is bad, or undermining. So far, my evolution has only led me to a brighter, happier place on all levels.

If people want to follow institutionally sanctioned higher rules, I don’t have a problem with that, if it makes them compassionate and connected and happy…and as long as those rules don’t say I’m wrong for not embracing those rules.

Why does science need to validate our intuition, but not the existence of God, which so far cannot be validated by science? What if intuition as a reality were as accepted as the concept of God? Maybe even accepted as an...extension...of God, of the Universal Life Force? Without needing scientific "proof." What IF?


Deer Antler for Pups said...

Recently my 13 year old was going on a planned trip to ski with two other boys. I was uncharacteristically worried about the trip. I called the other mom, hoping for reassurance and found out she was also worrying. We both told our boys to go and have a good time, but to be extra carefully and to carefully consider not doing anything their "gut" told them was a bad idea...I kept seeing frozen ponds, and told my kid to stay away and off them. The boy hosting the trip became pretty sick, but everyone was safe. I won't change my plans based on a hunch but I won't discount it either...and I do pay attention--hopefully teaching my offspring to trust his own intuition first.

Phyllis Marder, MSW said...

I don't need science to prove to me that my intuition is valid. My experiences do that each and every day. So many examples I could share but most importantly is heeding it as you said, Rachel. AND teaching our children to hear it and trust and heed it, as Katybeth suggests is key.

If more people would hear, listen and heed the messages, less abuses would occur, less accidents and other harmful events would happen and more and more would be accomplished toward healing humanity and our planet!

Another great entry! So glad to be sharing this journey with you! You've inspired me once again!