Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Tantra and the New Paradigm

Sexual energy is "just" energy...the same energy that makes the plants grow and the sun shine and the flower-children blossom...but we can feel it much more profoundly when it is moving through our first chakra. It is "creation" energy.

Tantra, which is a meditative practice that is meant to bridge or unite body and spirit, offers ancient tools and practices to help us harness sexual energy and use it to be happy, conscious creators--rather than pretend sexual energy doesn't exist, or be blindly led by it...or do whatever we do with it, which for many of us is not very conscious.

In my daily life, one example of how it operates is: upon finding out the staggering sum I owe in taxes, within moments I returned to a state of relaxed gratitude. I didn't create a drama, or get negative. And that created a path in front of me, so that my entire tax-paying experience was almost laughably pleasant. When drivers flip me off, cut me off...when the Blockbuster clerk scolds me...I smile. I'm happy--maybe just happy that I'm not affected by their antics. (I was once pretty darn crabby.)

And the way that helps the planet? Well, imagine the neutralizing effect it has (at minimum), and the wave of pleasure sent out to others, which they send out to others. The Blockbuster clerk actually apologized. Are there other spiritual practices that can do this? Surely there must be, but this is my favorite. And I'm sure many of us are conscious enough to be able to re-route even without a spiritual program. I like that tantra takes sex out of the darkness, and into the light, where I am convinced it was meant to be. Nothing that feels this blissful and creates new life should be considered nasty or dirty. (And it can be spiritual...yet still be as kinked or fun as one wishes.)

The New Paradigm means seeing ourselves as creators, not victims. The New Paradigm is a shift in which we realize that we the perceiver is actually creating while perceiving--a condition which is being proven by physics. It turns reality as we know it, inside-out. Because we actually have a HUGE effect on the world around us...not even necessarily through our actions, but through our thoughts. And even though it is called New, yogis have known this for thousands of years.